The Power of Pausing

podcast Dec 28, 2022
People Powered Business
The Power of Pausing

Hello and welcome to Episode 146 of the People Powered Business Podcast!

Today I want to chat to you about the power of pausing. It’s not something that comes naturally to many of us entrepreneurial types, but after the year that 2022 has been – I feel like it’s more important this year than ever.


Let’s be honest – 2022 has been A LOT! And on the back of 2020 and 2021, and all the things that got thrown at us, for many this year has felt like a roller coaster that never ended.


Even in the weeks leading up to Christmas there has been no signs of slowing down, it has for many felt relentless.


So todays’ episode is a reminder on why pausing, stopping and resetting is important, on so many levels, to ourselves, our businesses and of course our teams.


An Invitation:


If you’d like to connect with other business owners and leaders, I’d love you to join us inside our free Facebook Group, HR Support for Australian Businesses, so I can learn more about what’s working for you and any challenges you might be having.


Join Here.


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