The Latest from Kristy-Lee

Competing with Sign On Bonuses and Other Hiring Tactics

podcast Aug 10, 2022
People Powered Business
Competing with Sign On Bonuses and Other Hiring Tactics

Hello and welcome to Episode 126 of the People Powered Business Podcast!

In today’s episode of the podcast we’re discussing a recruitment strategy or tactic that we are seeing more and more often in 2022 – the sign on bonus…

Put simply, a sign on bonus is a one off cash incentive paid to a new employee when they accept and start a new role with you. In a market where the competition for talent is tough, employers are literally trying anything, including throwing money around, to try and secure their new team members.

In todays’ episode we discuss when and why they may be useful, but more specifically why it’s a short sighted solution and there are other ways to use the same investment to get a better result.

If you’d like to ask questions or start a discussion about sign up bonuses and other recruitment strategies, I have an invitation for you. 

An Invitation

Would you like to connect with other...

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3 Reasons Your Employees Motivation Might Be MIA

podcast Aug 03, 2022
People Powered Business
3 Reasons Your Employees Motivation Might Be MIA

Hello and welcome to Episode 125 of the People Powered Business Podcast!

In today’s episode of the podcast, I’m unpacking 3 key reasons motivation might be missing in action with your team right now. Before doing that though, I thought it was important to look at what motivation is, how it correlates with employee engagement and how engagement impacts our business generally.

I shared with you a really great distinction between motivation and engagement, which was beautifully articulated by Effectory in this article:


“Engagement is a sense of purpose, belonging, and commitment to an organization, whereas motivation is the willpower and drive to act on those feelings. Employee engagement serves as a foundation for your employees to do their best work, while motivation is the fuel or energy required to actually do it.”


Then we dive into 3 key...

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Engaging a Recruiter - What You Need to Know First

podcast Jul 27, 2022
People Powered Business
Engaging a Recruiter - What You Need to Know First

Hello and welcome to Episode 124 of the People Powered Business Podcast!

In today’s episode of the podcast, I’m pulling back the curtain on the inner workings of a recruitment agency. I know many businesses are looking to recruiters in the current market to help them find great staff. But, like all industries not all recruiters are created equally and there is certainly the good, bad and the ugly in the industry.

So today we look at the different model’s recruitment agencies use, what to look out for when determining what’s best for you, as well as the things to ask and consider before signing anything!

If you’re considering using a recruiter, or would like to contribute to the discussion on this topic, I have a special invitation for you.

An Invitation

Would you like to connect with other like-minded business owners, leaders and managers experiencing similar situations with their team? Join the discussion inside our free Facebook Group – HR...

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Flexibility Is The New Norm

podcast Jul 20, 2022
People Powered Business
Flexibility Is The New Norm

Hello and welcome to Episode 123 of the People Powered Business Podcast!

In today’s episode of the podcast, we’re discussing workplace flexibility, and the fact that no longer is it a ‘perk’ but a baseline expectation of employees. Whether it’s location flexibility, hours flexibility or other aspects of a role that employees are looking for flexibility with, there is no denying the fact that the need to offer flexibility is critical to being able to attract and retain top talent, and to a productive and engaged workforce.

So how are you baking in flexibility to your workplace? I’d love to hear, and I have a special invitation for where you can join us to share your experiences:


An Invitation


Would you like to connect with other like-minded business owners, leaders and managers experiencing similar situations with their team? Join the discussion inside our free Facebook Group – HR Support for Australian Businesses.



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Why KPI's Are Critical to Team Success

podcast Jul 13, 2022
People Powered Business
Why KPI's Are Critical to Team Success
In this discussion, Juliet and I share our views on KPI’s talk about how to structure them and share why they are critical to your team’s success.


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A Quick But Critical Compliance Update

podcast Jul 06, 2022
People Powered Business
A Quick But Critical Compliance Update
Hello and welcome to Episode 121 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
Today’s episode is a quick but critical compliance update.
With the recent changes in minimum wages, increase in superannuation and removal of the superannuation earning threshold, this year more than ever 1 July spells changes that we want to keep an eye on to ensure our businesses remain compliant.
In today’s episode I share with you what the changes are, why you need to pay attention this year more than ever, and what action steps you need to take.
An Invitation
Would you like to connect with other like-minded business owners, leaders and managers experiencing similar situations with their team? Join the discussion inside our free Facebook Group – HR Support for Australian Businesses.
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HR Options for Small to Medium Sized Businesses

podcast Jun 29, 2022
People Powered Business
HR Options for Small to Medium Sized Businesses
Hello and welcome to Episode 120 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
As mentioned in today’s episode, we are currently welcoming new businesses to People Powered HR, if you’d like to know more simply click this link:
People Powered HR is the place to get expert HR advice, at your fingertips, for less than $25 per week. If you’re looking to get the knowledge, tools and resources to handle anything at all to do with your team with complete confidence, People Powered HR is the answer.
Today we discussed HR options for small businesses – if you employ less than 50-100 staff is HR something you need to worry about, and if so how do you deal with this?
As I shared in this episode if you employ staff, you have HR, and doing nothing is the worst possible option. Sticking your head in the sand is never the answer!
And Internal HR Manager is not always a great answer for a small...
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The 3 Biggest Mistakes Business Owners Make with Their Teams

podcast Jun 22, 2022
People Powered Business
The 3 Biggest Mistakes Business Owners Make with Their Teams
Hello and welcome to Episode 119 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
In today's episode I am sharing the 3 biggest mistakes I see business owners and managers make when it comes to their team.
As mentioned, if you’d like to learn more and go deeper on these challenges, I’d love you to join me in the free Sack Them or Save Them Masterclass which I’m running online on the 28th June.
In Sack Them or Save Them we are going to look at the different type of problem employees you may have in your business, and I’m going to show you how to identify what sort of problems you’re dealing with and the solution for your specific problem. We are also going to look at the specific next action steps you need to take to turn this person around.
Plus, I’m going to be sharing the 5 biggest mistakes business owners make when dealing with their people, and what you can do instead to turn your current headache into your next top...
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Tackling Tough Talks

podcast Jun 15, 2022
People Powered Business
Tackling Tough Talks
Hello and welcome to Episode 118 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
In today's episode we are talking about tackling tough talks with your team.
You know the conversations I mean, the one where you get a sick feeling in the pit of your stomach, the ones which give you heart palpitations at the thought of having them, that keep you up at night.
Whether it’s a performance management issue, a change in the business, a termination or anything else that is going to be a tough conversation with our team, we’ve all been in a situation where we have to have them, and maybe even try and avoid them!
However, avoiding those conversations in bad for business in many ways, which we unpack in this episode, and I also share with you a simple framework to follow next time you need to tackle a tough conversation with a team member.
As promised, you can get your free guide to tackling tough conversations here:
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Frustrated with an Employee? Here's why....

podcast Jun 08, 2022
People Powered Business
Frustrated with an Employee? Here's why....
Hello and welcome to Episode 117 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
Is It Me Or Is It Them?
As mentioned on today’s episode, if you have a frustrating employee on your hands I have created a great new resource to help you identify what sort of problem you are dealing with, and the exact strategy you need to fix the problem.
Click here to get your free copy of the Guide -
Today we unpacked one of the biggest challenges we face as business owners – why we are frustrated with an employee!
The thing is, if we’re frustrated with an employee it’s always because they aren’t meeting our expectations – whether performance or behaviour based, things aren’t happening as we expected.
But – are we actually clear on what our expectations are? Have we clearly communicated and articulated them to our people? and are they realistic and reasonable for the person...
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Discover how these 3 key changes will impact every business from 26th August 2024.