The Latest from Kristy-Lee

Industrial Relations Reforms Update

podcast Nov 16, 2022
People Powered Business
Industrial Relations Reforms Update

Hello and welcome to Episode 1409 of the People Powered Business Podcast!

Today is a technical update on the Industrial Relations reforms which have recently been announced, and those which are currently before parliament.

As there always is when there is a new Government, we can expect change. Industrial relations is one of the areas they often seek to make change, to support election promises and align the legislation with their core values.

As part of this reform we are seeing a key focus on job security, protecting employees rights, removing the gender pay gap and continued wage increases.

At the time of recording the ‘Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Secure Jobs Better Pay) Bill 2022 is before parliament, so right now there is a whole lot yet to be confirmed.

But what we do know is that there have been recent changes to the Paid Parental Leave Scheme and the introduction of Paid Family and Domestic Violence Leave.

An Invitation - If you’d like to connect with other...

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Christmas Close Down Essentials

podcast Nov 09, 2022
People Powered Business
Christmas Close Down Essentials

Hello and welcome to Episode 139 of the People Powered Business Podcast!

It’s that time of year again….today we are chatting Christmas Close Down Essentials.

What are the things you should be doing now, before the Christmas break to set you and our team up for success in 2023.

What are the compliance essentials you need to be across when it comes to Christmas close downs.

And what are the additional considerations relevant this year that you may want to think about when it comes to managing this period.


 An Invitation:

If you’d like to connect with other businesses who are also juggling the challenges of teams, I’d love you to join us inside our free Facebook Group, HR Support for Australian Businesses, so I can learn more about what’s working for you and any challenges you might be having.

Join Here -

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Knowing the Numbers Relevant to Your Team with Elita A'Vard

podcast Nov 02, 2022
People Powered Business
Knowing the Numbers Relevant to Your Team with Elita A'Vard

Hello and welcome to Episode 138 of the People Powered Business Podcast!

I am super excited to be joined by special guest, Elita A’Vard from Elite Edge Accounting on today’s episode.

Elita generously shares with us her knowledge when it comes to accounting, bookkeeping and payroll for small business. We discussed things such as when is the right time to outsource to a bookkeeper, what’s the difference between a bookkeeper and an accountant, how do we know if we can afford to hire a new employee, and what are the key numbers we need to be across when it comes to our team.

If you’d like to connect with Elita, here is her website:


An Invitation

Would you like to connect with other like-minded business owners, leaders and managers experiencing similar situations with their team?

Join the discussion inside our free Facebook Group – HR Support for Australian -Businesses.


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Hiring Well Is Just The Beginning

podcast Oct 26, 2022
People Powered Business
Hiring Well Is Just The Beginning

Hello and welcome to Episode 137 of the People Powered Business Podcast!

In today's episode we are talking about why hiring well is just the beginning.

Making great hiring choices is absolutely essential to team, and ultimately business success, there is no doubt. But if everything beyond that is broken or non existent our great hiring efforts will be a total waste, and we’ll end up with a revolving door of staff.

Today I shared the P.E.O.P.L.E Pathway, the exact framework that I assist our People Powered HR members follow and I work with my consulting clients to implement. It is the journey every employee follows in your business. Getting every step right is critical to team success.

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How to Achieve Business Success Through Your Team

podcast Oct 19, 2022
People Powered Business
How to Achieve Business Success Through Your Team

Hello and welcome to Episode 136 of the People Powered Business Podcast!

In today’s episode of the podcast we are chatting about achieving business success through our teams.

The thing I know to be true is this: having the right team is the only way to have success in business, without losing our nights, weekends and sanity. But for so many business owners they feel like their teams are not the key to their success, and may even be holding them back – certainly as though a weekend off is far from reality.

Today I encourage you to define what success means to you (because until you know what that is it’s pretty hard to strive to achieve), and the key elements to team success that are critical to building the right team.

If you’d like to share some thoughts on this or ask a question, I have an invitation for you.

An Invitation

Would you like to connect with other like-minded business owners, leaders and managers experiencing similar situations with their team?

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Becoming the Boss ā€“ Your Journey to Becoming a People Powered Business

podcast Oct 12, 2022
People Powered Business
Becoming the Boss ā€“ Your Journey to Becoming a People Powered Business

Hello and welcome to Episode 135 of the People Powered Business Podcast!

In today’s episode of the podcast we are chatting about becoming the boss, and the journey I have noticed every business owner goes through in building their business and their team to become a business that is truly people powered.

You see this is a journey I notice our People Powered HR members take, it’s one I have taken and it’s one every small business owner makes. It’s not always a straight line, sometimes we bounce between the stages in the journey, but that’s how we learn and create a stronger business for the future.

The stages we all go through are:

  • Having an Idea Powered business, where we are a start up, full of enthusiasm and ideas;
  • Being You Powered – where we are starting to build our team and outsource things, but we are in the drivers seat across everything, and involved at every level;
  • Becoming Person Powered where we have a team of key people and roles,...
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You Can't Make Money Without a Good Team - with Chantel Gilbert

podcast Oct 05, 2022
People Powered Business
You Can't Make Money Without a Good Team - with Chantel Gilbert

Hello and welcome to Episode 134 of the People Powered Business Podcast!

I am super excited to be joined by special guest, Chantel Gilbert from Bluegum Electrical Solutions on today’s episode.

Chantel generously shares with us her business journey, the importance she places on team, and some of the challenges, lessons and wins she has had along the way.

As a member of our People Powered HR community, I have seen firsthand how Chantel has really stepped into the role of CEO in her business, and the passion, dedication and commitment she brings to looking after her people, and creating a culture of trust, reliability, impeccable customer service and high performance.

As she points out in our discussion, you can’t make money without a good team. Realising this has been key to their business growth and success over the years.

If you’d like to reach out to Chantel, you can contact her and find out more about Bluegum Electrical Solutions at ...

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The Key Elements of Effective Onboarding

podcast Sep 28, 2022
People Powered Business
The Key Elements of Effective Onboarding

Hello and welcome to Episode 133 of the People Powered Business Podcast!

In today’s episode of the podcast we are discussing the importance of onboarding new employees. For many small businesses they see onboarding as something for big corporates only, and something HR should take care of. Noting could be further from the truth. Effective onboarding is even more important for small businesses, because without it turnover increases and retention is lowered, which has a ripple effect on the entire business.

Today I shared with you the 4 core elements of effective onboarding that any business could implement right now. These were designed by Dr Talya Bauer from the SHRM Foundation and include:

  • Compliance;
  • Clarification;
  • Connection;


Like building blocks, you need to start at the base, the beginning, with compliance, but stopping there will see you’re your onboarding efforts falling flat.

If you’d like to ask questions or start a discussion about effective...

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How To Keep Great Staff

podcast Sep 21, 2022
People Powered Business
How To Keep Great Staff

Hello and welcome to Episode 132 of the People Powered Business Podcast!

In today’s episode of the podcast we’re talking about something that I know is top of mind for many small business owners right now – how to keep the great staff they have!

The reality is, it is harder than ever to keep great people right now. They are getting offers and opportunities placed in front of them every day of the week, and at some point in time they might start to think the grass does look greener on the other side.

The stats support this, with data out of the Australian Bureau of Statistics showing us that resignation rates are at a 10 year high and unemployment is at a 50 year low.

So how can we keep great people in this environment? In today’s episode I share with you 3 fundamental concepts you need to be paying attention to when it comes to retaining the best people:

  • Making the right decisions;
  • Harnessing their greatness;
  • Creating complete alignment.

All three concepts...

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The High Risk Pre-Start Zone

podcast Sep 14, 2022
People Powered Business
The High Risk Pre-Start Zone

Hello and welcome to Episode 131 of the People Powered Business Podcast!

In today’s episode of the podcast we’re talking about the High Risk Pre Start Zone. This is the period of time between an applicant accepting your offer of employment, and them actually starting with you.

Right now, you’re probably doing a whole range of things during that period of time to get ready for your new starter, but they know about none of them.

Conversely, they have other employers talking to them and other offers being extended to them. They have no more connection with you than any other employer they are interviewing with, so it’s easy for them to take another option during this period.

By putting in place the 3 strategies I shared in today’s episode you’ll have the best possible chance that they’ll be there to start their role with you on day 1!

If you’d like to ask questions or start a discussion about this dangerous pre start zone, I have an...

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