Hello and welcome to Episode 237 of The People Powered Business Podcast.
Today we are tackling a topic that I know many business owners struggle with, and that is conducting effective performance reviews.
Maybe you can relate. Perhaps you’ve found that your reviews aren’t very meaningful, or that you want it to be consistent – but time constraints get in the way. Maybe you aren’t sure what questions to ask, or you have managers in your business that need training on how to do them. Like many people you may be worried about how to do reviews that don’t result in a pay rise request, or you aren’t sure how to give specific feedback. Let’s face it, we know reviews can be anxiety provoking for everyone involved.
So today I am going to share with you why reviews are so important, the 5 most common mistakes I see business owners make when it comes to conducting reviews, and I’m encouraging you to take one action step towards implementing or...
Hello and welcome to Episode 236 of The People Powered Business Podcast.
We talk a lot in business and leadership circles about our communication styles don’t we?
About how we deliver our message, how we give feedback, the words we use, our tone, pace, timing.
We talk a lot about talking, but less about listening, so that’s what we’re tackling today.
In today’s episode we look at why listening effectively as a leader is so important, I unpack the 4 types of listening as discussed in this HRM article and we look at how to adapt and leverage your style and the different styles to the occasion.
As always, I’d love you to join us inside our free Facebook Group, HR Support for Australian Businesses, so I can learn more about what’s working for you and any challenges you might be having.
Join Here.
Hello and welcome to Episode 235 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
Today I am delighted to be joined by guest expert Stacey Hughes from Stacey Hughes Co to talk all thing Meta and LinkedIn paid ad campaigns for your recruitment projects.
Stacey spent years learning how to craft compelling recruitment ad campaigns via Meta in her Allied Health practices, and now specialises in working with business owners to learn how to run profitable ads through her Fab Ads Club.
In today’s discussion we unpack:
If you’d like to connect with Stacey, her website is https://www.staceyhughes.co/homepage
Her Instagram handle is @staceyhughes.co
And you can find her on LinkedIn here - ...
Hello and welcome to Episode 234 of The People Powered Business Podcast.
Today we are answering a question from our listener Virginia who asks: "How do you pass on feedback regularly to let staff know they’re doing good (other than saying that… it gets repetitive and seems… contrary?) What are appropriate ways to show your appreciation?”
What a great question! To help answer this I am going to zoom up and look at:
Giving feedback is such an important part of a role as a leader within our business,...
Hello and welcome to Episode 233 of The People Powered Business Podcast.
Did you know that nearly 46% of new hires fail? Almost half! If you have ever been through a recruitment process for it only to end in disaster you will know the pain, frustration, cost and time associated with having to start the process again.
The good news is it doesn’t have to be this way! By following a few fundamental tips that I share in this episode you can really simply increase the success of your recruitment project and hire the right person the first time for your business!
Join us in this episode as I share the 3 key ingredients to hiring success.
As always, I’d love you to join us inside our free Facebook Group, HR Support for Australian Businesses, so I can learn more about what’s working for you and any challenges you might be having.
Join Here - https://www.facebook.com/groups/hrsupportaustralia
Hello and welcome to Episode 232 of the People Powered Business Podcast.
Today we are taking a look at an important HR metric that every organisation should be measuring – employee turnover.
We start by defining employee turnover, and the different types of turnover we may want to measure.
We then look at why it’s such an important metric to measure, no matter the size of your business.
And then is share the simple way to calculate your current turnover rate.
As always, I’d love you to join us inside our free Facebook Group, HR Support for Australian Businesses, so I can learn more about what’s working for you and any challenges you might be having.
Join Here - https://www.facebook.com/groups/hrsupportaustralia
Hello and welcome to Episode 231 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
Today I am delighted to be joined by guest expert Ange Fragiacomo from Conscious Living Hub to talk Workplace Wellbeing.
Ange has over 20 years of experience in the wellbeing space, and is dedicated to supporting workplaces in enhancing their organisational wellbeing. Ange’s wholistic program offers an opportunity to assess current workplace practices, identify business needs, and evaluate team functionality. By fostering honest conversations and empowering organisations to find immediate solutions, Ange facilitates meaningful change at all levels.
If you’d like to connect with Ange you can visit her website here: https://consciouslivinghub.com.au/
An Invitation
Would you like to connect with other like-minded business owners, leaders and managers experiencing similar situations with their team? Join the discussion inside our free Facebook Group – HR Support for Australian...
Hello and welcome to Episode 230 of the People Powered Business Podcast.
Today we are taking a look at yet another legislative change that is upon us – this time relating to casual employees.
We start by discussing what these key changes are including:
We then take a look at the risks, and incredible fines, that employers may face if they get this wrong.
Finally we discuss how these changes impact your current casual team members.
As always, I’d love you to join us inside our free Facebook Group, HR Support for Australian Businesses, so I can learn more about what’s working for you and any challenges you might be having.
Join Here...
Hello and welcome to Episode 229 of the People Powered Business Podcast.
Today we are answering another listeners question which is: what can I do when an employee is taking sick leave but I know they are not actually sick?
Sick and Carers Leave can be one of the trickiest types of leave to manage, and because it is a protected workplace right, there is often little an employer can do if they think an employee is using sick leave for other purposes.
In this episode we unpack what Sick and Carers leave is, and what the entitlement each employee has to this sort of leave.
We discuss an employers rights if they feel sick leave is being used inappropriately.
And finally we look at what we can do to protect our businesses around excessive and inappropriate sick leave usage.
As always, I’d love you to join us inside our free Facebook Group, HR Support for Australian Businesses, so I can learn more about what’s working for you and any challenges you might be having.
Hello and welcome to Episode 228 of the People Powered Business Podcast.
Today we’re chatting about something that I can’t quite believe we have never discussed on the podcast – whether an employee should work through their notice period.
Today I discuss what notice period might apply and when notice needs to be provided, I share some thoughts on what your notice periods should look like and we cover off whether employees get to make their own decisions on their notice period and what should happen during this time.
Then we shift focus to whether you should have an employee work through their notice period, or pay them out in lieu. I share my considerations when making decisions about this, and that it’s something to very much consider on a case by case basis.
As always, I’d love you to join us inside our free Facebook Group, HR Support for Australian Businesses, so I can learn more about what’s working for you and any challenges you might be...
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