Hello and welcome to Episode 193 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
Today were unpacking a new study released by Gartner HR research which has some disturbing stats regarding engagement.
At their Reimagined HR conference in the US in October they released the report which found that only 31% of employees reported that they were engaged, enthusiastic and energized by their work!! Keyia Burton, senior principal, advisory in the Gartner HR Practice said that “despite organizations making investments in engaging their employees, our research shows that almost 70% don’t feel as engaged as they should be and aren’t feeling a meaningful connection to their job.”
Today is discussed how and whether this translates to us, we looked at defining what engagement is, whether this is just slump normal for this time of year and why we should be concerned about these findings.
What about you? Are you seeing this trend, and what are you doing in your business...
Hello and welcome to Episode 192 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
First up - as mentioned in this episode, if you want to join me for the 2024 Team Planning Workshop just click here to register now
In today’s episode I share with you that I am sensing a season of change with our teams. Some change we won’t love, but will be unavoidable. Some change will be change we choose to make, or need to make for the next stage of our business journey.
And that’s what we focus on in today’s episode. The fact that the team that got you to where you are now, may not be the team to get you to where you want to go next.
In this episode we spoke about the reasons for this, and how the resourcing needs in a business will always change.
We also spoke about the Clean Slate Exercise to help you identify if in fact you do need to make some changes.
You can listen to the full Clean Slate Exercise here:
Once you have your ideal future team mapped out what next? What do you do...
Hello and welcome to Episode 191 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
In today’s episode we are discussing the 5 biggest staffing challenges (or you may want to view them as opportunities) that every small to medium sized business needs to be ready, and have a plan for in 2024.
The reality is the staffing landscape is changing, both in Australia and abroad, and we are very much returning to a global workplace again.
If we are not ready for these changes and challenges, we will be left behind.
I firmly believe small to medium sized businesses have a huge opportunity right now, if we are ready and being ready means having a plan.
Today we are discussing what is changing and why, the five biggest challenges I see coming and what we should do next.
There is no doubt that the pandemic has moved the world of work forward 20+ years – a controversial opinion some might think, but something I have thought to be the case since early 2020 – I knew then we were always...
Hello and welcome to Episode 190 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
In today’s episode I’m sharing a little behind the scenes of how I plan for a successful year ahead with my team.
I like to plan for a calendar year ahead, and for me timing is key – and November is the time I plan.
Today I share the importance of timing and what may work for your business, the value of stepping away from the day to day work environment to plan more effectively, and when and what of your plan you should share with your team.
How do you plan for your year ahead? I’d love to know. Join us in our Facebook Group and share your experiences.
An Invitation
Would you like to connect with other like-minded business owners, leaders and managers experiencing similar situations with their team?
Join the discussion inside our free Facebook Group – HR Support for Australian Businesses - https://www.facebook.com/groups/hrsupportaustralia
Hello and welcome to Episode 189 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
In today’s episode of the podcast we are talking about employee wellbeing, specifically wellbeing programs, Employee Assistance Programs and whether they are relevant for small to medium sized businesses.
Whilst wellbeing as a concept is about the entirety of someone’s life, and as such can’t be entirely our responsibility as an employer, we certainly have some responsibility for our employees wellbeing whilst at work, and can take proactive steps to help them improve their wellbeing, which has some great flow on effects to their performance, motivation and engagement at work.
An Invitation
Would you like to connect with other like-minded business owners, leaders and managers experiencing similar situations with their team?
Join the discussion inside our free Facebook Group – HR Support for Australian Businesses - https://www.facebook.com/groups/hrsupportaustralia
Hello and welcome to Episode 188 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
In today’s episode of the podcast we are chatting about becoming the boss, and the journey I have noticed every business owner goes through in building their business and their team to become a business that is truly people powered.
You see this is a journey I notice our People Powered HR members take, it’s one I have taken and it’s one every small business owner makes. It’s not always a straight line, sometimes we bounce between the stages in the journey, but that’s how we learn and create a stronger business for the future.
The stages we all go through are:
Hello and welcome to Episode 187 of the People Powered Business Podcast.
In today’s episode of the podcast we are retuning to a more technical discussion about one of the more recent legislative updates – the introduction of positive duty laws to prevent sexual harassment and sex based discrimination in the workplace.
These laws were passed in late 2022, but given the gravity of the changes being implemented, employers had a grace period to get their house in order. From December 2023 though, the Australian Human Right Commission will be able to commence legal proceedings against employers who are failing to meet their positive duty obligations, and no one, not even small businesses, are exempt.
In todays’ episode we re cap what the positive duties laws are, what they mean for employers. and the AHRC guidelines for achieving compliance with these new requirements.
As always, if you’d like to connect with other small business owners to chat all things HR and...
Hello and welcome to Episode 186 of the People Powered Business Podcast.
In today's episode of the podcast we are taking a deeper dive into a topic we covered in a recent Power Play Mini Episode - do your people like or respect you?
So often as business owners and leaders we are playing a popularity game, because we want our people to like us. But when we are doing that at the detriment to building respect from our team, it can be bad for them, the business and us.
What's your experience when it comes to this? What game are you playing? I'd love to hear, join us in our Facebook Group to share your experiences:
Hello and welcome to Episode 185 of the People Powered Business Podcast.
Today I am chatting about coaches and mentors for small business owners and why we should all have some!
Coaches and mentors are incredibly powerful in supporting us as small business owners, yet I know many of us are reluctant to invest in ourselves by getting a coach or mentor for something we might be struggling with.
Today we talk about the reasons for that, and why investing in ourselves is the best investment for our business.
Do you engage coaches and mentors in your small business? I’d love to know. Let us know inside our free Facebook Group, HR Support for Australian Businesses, so I can learn more about what’s working for you and any challenges you might be having.
Join Here - https://www.facebook.com/groups/hrsupportaustralia
Hello and welcome to Episode 184 of the People Powered Business Podcast.
Today I am sharing with you, warts and all, the details of a conversations I had with a staff member, more than 13 years ago, that to this day still makes me cringe.
It was one of the most difficult conversations I have ever had to have with a team member, and I learnt a lot from it.
Today I share with you the mistakes I made, and the lessons I learned so that you never have to go through this sort of experience with one of your team.
Discover exactly what should (and what should not) be in your Employment Contracts to ensure your business is protected.