The Latest from Kristy-Lee

Growing Your Business With A VA

podcast Jun 30, 2021
People Powered Business
Growing Your Business With A VA
Hello and welcome to Episode 68 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
Today I have a special guest joining me on the podcast, my very own VA, Adrienne Donnelly, is joining me to talk about growing your business with the support of VA’s.
We discuss how to know it’s the right time to get yourself a VA, what sort of tasks you can easily outsource and most importantly how to set up a great working and communication structure with your VA.
As mentioned too, I have a special bonus for you today, a guide on the Must Ask Interview Questions you should ask when hiring a VA. Just like any staffing decision we make, selecting the right VA to work with can be daunting, this guide will help make sure you make the right decision, and have all the information you need to get the best VA for your business.
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An Important Update from The Fair Work Commission

podcast Jun 23, 2021
People Powered Business
An Important Update from The Fair Work Commission
Hello and welcome to Episode 67 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
This week we have a brief but important technical update for you after the Fair Work Commission announced it’s decision around the National Minimum Wage increase effective 1 July.
This spells change for many Award covered employees from 1 July 2021, on top of the previously announced superannuation increases.
As mentioned in todays episode, if you’d like to take a look at when your Award is increasing, here is the link:
If you’d like to connect with other businesses who are also juggling the challenges of teams, I’d love you to join us inside our free Facebook Group, HR Support for Australian Businesses, so I can learn more about what’s working for you and any challenges you might be having.
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Leading the Learning Revolution at Work

podcast Jun 16, 2021
People Powered Business
Leading the Learning Revolution at Work
Hello and welcome to Episode 66 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
The approach to learning has certainly changed, and we are seeing a shift away from employee driven formal learning to employer driven informal learning as the key way to impart knowledge and skills to our employees.
As employers I know it can often feel that we are doing all the things to look after our employees. We are constantly looking after them, thinking about their needs and the onus and more and more on us. It can be exhausting and sometimes frustrating, but in todays episode I share with you why I think leading the way in this learning revolution at work can really set your business up for success.
Mentioned in todays episode was a report from Swinburne University called Peak Human Workplace, you can view that report here: Peak Human Workplace Report
Also today we discussed the value of micro studies, and I mentioned our mini course – Hire Right. If you’re...
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Are They Above or Below the Line?

podcast Jun 09, 2021
People Powered Business
Are They Above or Below the Line?
Hello and welcome to Episode 65 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
Today we’re chatting about one of the most valuable management and leadership frameworks I work with, and something I can’t quite believe I haven’t discussed here on the Podcast before, and that is the concept of above the line and below the line thinking or behaviour.
Whilst I’m not entirely sure where this concept originated, I do know that Carolyn Taylor discussed this in her book Walking the Talk, although she credits Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad Poor Dad) with her understanding of the concept.
Simply, people who are above the line take responsibility ownership and accountability at work, and those below the line are inclined to blame, shame and justify – nothing is ever their fault.
In today’s episode we take a deeper dive into the different behaviours that will present in the workplace between above and below the line staff, as well as what to do...
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Trust - The Secret Sauce to Successful Hybrid Teams

podcast Jun 02, 2021
People Powered Business
Trust - The Secret Sauce to Successful Hybrid Teams
Hello and welcome to Episode 64 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
Following on from last weeks episode – Harnessing Hybrid Teams – today I have a discussion to share with you that leadership expert Juliet Robinson and I recently had about trust – which we think is the secret sauce to successful hybrid teams.
I hope you enjoyed this discussion, and if you’d like to join in the conversation with Juliet and I the best place to do that is on Clubhouse where we are hosting weekly rooms on all things Leadership.
If you head over to Clubhouse and follow the People Powered Business Club, you’ll see our Leadership Lounge discussions are scheduled there --->
If you'd like to connect with Juliet you can do so here ---> 
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Harnessing Hybrid Teams

podcast May 26, 2021
People Powered Business
Harnessing Hybrid Teams
Hello and welcome to Episode 63 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
The way we work has changed over the last 12+ months and for many businesses adjusting to this new way of work, the new way that has seen many workplaces permanently change, can bring it’s own range of challenges and adjustments.
In today’s episode we discuss Hybrid Teams, and I share 3 key tips to help you embrace a hybrid team model to maximise productivity and performance.
Is your workplace shifting a permanent hybrid teams model? If so I’d love to hear about your experience. Join us inside our free Facebook Group, HR Support for Australian Businesses, so I can learn more about what’s working for you and any challenges you might be having.
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Is Indecision Ruining Your Recruitment Campaign?

podcast May 19, 2021
People Powered Business
Is Indecision Ruining Your Recruitment Campaign?
Hello and welcome to Episode 62 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
Ever been stuck in decision paralysis when hiring a new employee for your team? The good news is you’re not alone, the bad news is this can lead to a recruitment disaster!
In today’s episode I shared some simple strategies and tactics to help you overcome the dreaded decision paralysis, and help you move from indecisive to certain of who to hire when.
Also mentioned in todays’ episode were the following previous episodes of the Podcast:
As I mentioned, I would love for you to join us inside our free Facebook Group, HR Support for Australian Businesses - Join The Facebook Group Here.
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Gen Z In The Workplace

podcast May 12, 2021
People Powered Business
Gen Z In The Workplace
Hello and welcome to Episode 61 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
Today we discussed a one of my favourite things to chat about, mainly because I am so interested in human behaviour and trends, and how we see this play out at work, and that is generations in the workplace. Specifically today we spoke about Gen Z.
Gen Z are our first generation of true digital natives, being born between 1995 and 2009, they have grown up in the era of iPhones and iPads and integrate tech into everything. Yet, interestingly, they also crave social and human interaction, especially in the workplace.
Today we discussed not only the general traits of Gen Z, but also what to expect from them in the workplace and how to get the most out of them.
I referred in this discussion to an article by research company McCrindle, you can read that article here >>> McCrindle Research Article
As I mentioned, I would love to hear about your experienced in having Gen...
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How Great Is A 4 Day Week?

podcast May 05, 2021
People Powered Business
How Great Is A 4 Day Week?
Hello and welcome to Episode 60 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
Today we discussed a concept which may seem a little strange to some of you, the 4 day work week. Taking a full time role and getting the same results achieved in just 4 days, or 80% of the time.
Championed by Andrew Barnes, after successfully implementing the model during his time with Perpetual Guardian, we discussed the various models of the 4 day work week, and how this could look and work within your business.
Of course before considering a change like this to your workplace there are a few key things we need. In today’s episode we discussed my top tips that you may need to consider before embarking on adopting this structure in your business:
  • Understand how to measure productivity;
  • Build and nurture trusting teams;
  • Trial and consult.
If you’re interested in learning more about the model Andrew Barnes speaks about, you can grab a copy of this book on this topic here...
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Identifying Imposter Syndrome in Your Team

podcast Apr 28, 2021
People Powered Business
Identifying Imposter Syndrome in Your Team
Hello and welcome to Episode 59 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
Today we had a great discussion about a topic that we haven’t covered on the podcast before – Imposter Syndrome.
Now many of us as entrepreneurs, leaders, business owners and managers may have come up against imposter syndrome ourselves before, but what about our team? Do we know how to spot it and identify it within our team? I think it’s something we often haven’t thought about, or wouldn’t be sure how to identify it and help the employee overcome this.
I recently became aware of the work of Dr. Valerie Young, an expert in this field, who has identified 5 different types of imposter syndrome that may occur in our teams. She speaks and writes about how to identify these and what you might be able to do to assist employees in overcoming this imposter feeling.
In todays episode we unpacked the five types and Dr. Young’s suggestions for helping...
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In this 90 minute Masterclass you will learn the exact step by step process to conducting reviews that inspire action and drive performance, even if i's something you've struggled with or avoided in the past.