Hello and welcome to Episode 174 of the People Powered Business Podcast.
Today I’m sharing how I’m really feeling right now – guilty! Guilty for the long to do list I can’t seem to get on top of, guilty for feeling exhausted after a 10 hour day and needing a break, and guilty because there is always more to do.
I’ve also been reminded, via a client this week, that our team have a knack of also making us feel incredibly guilty from time to time.
So today we’re talking ‘boss guilt’. I’m unpacking what it is, the two types I’ve seen play out recently, how to identify if you’re heading down a boss guilt spiral and some strategies for breaking free from boss guilt.
I’d love to hear about whether you have suffered from boss guilt before, and what strategies you use to navigate it when you feel it popping up, so I’d love you to join us inside our free Facebook Group, HR Support for Australian Businesses, so I can...
Hello and welcome to Episode 173 of the People Powered Business Podcast.
Today we’re talking about Interns, it’s actually a topic we really haven’t spoken about here on the podcast before.
However, I have decided to experiment with having interns in my business, so I thought I’d share that journey with you over the next 6 months by recording a couple of episodes on the process, and share the pro’s con’s and my learnings.
In this episode we’re looking at when an intern might be the right addition to your team.
I unpack the different types of interns, address the question of pay, chat about why I’ve decided to experiment with this for my team, and share the opportunities that exist with interns.
I’d love to hear about whether you have engaged interns before, or are considering it in the future, so I’d love you to join us inside our free Facebook Group, HR Support for Australian Businesses, so I can learn more about...
Hello and welcome to Episode 172 of the People Powered Business Podcast.
Today we’re talking trust, and why it’s so important to your teams success. Specifically in today’s episode we’re looking at why:
When your team don’t trust you as the leader the results will be increased turnover, under-performance, gossip and toxicity, morale and motivation will be low, they don’t work together and essentially nothing is good.
Getting your people to trust you isn’t that difficult, it’s doing the simple things consistently. Follow through on your promises, take action when you should, being honest, communicating and treat people fairly.
Secondly, you need to trust your team. If you don’t trust your team, you’ll be constantly deciding to do things yourself and / or micromanage, which will hold your business back. If you’re feeling like...
Hello and welcome to Episode 171 of the People Powered Business Podcast.
Today I’m excited to bring you a conversation I had with Nick Mills.
Nick is an expert facilitator, trainer, coach with a strong focus on leadership, management, and inclusion in the workplace.
To list all of his qualifications would take a long time but safe to say he has a variety of qualifications in leadership, management, adult educations at masters level.
Currently, Nick is also completed his PHD at the University of Tasmania focusing in inclusion for LGBTQI + leaders in the finance and professional services sectors.
His paper which will be released late this year called “How Australian companies can be truly inclusive and welcoming spaces.” Was in part motivated by Nicks’ passion to help leaders have more meaningful interactions and effective and sensitive conversations with all team members across their organisations.
In our conversation we discuss what led him to his current...
Hello and welcome to Episode 170 of the People Powered Business Podcast.
Well we have hit the time of year where motivation tends to be low – so today we’re talking about giving your team a mid year motivation boost!
Firstly we’ll unpack why motivation wanes at this time of year. From the high energy and enthusiastic start to the year, post Easter we always see a decline in motivation. Coupled with that it’s cold and miserable, we’re tired and on any given day every second person is sick!
And that’s why it’s so important to give your team a motivation boost right now. You can rest assured if you’re feeling blah – your team are too! Focusing on motivating the team right now will certainly set you up for a better second half of the year and let’s face it, we all need something to focus on and look forward to.
We wrap up this episode with my sharing some of my favourite mid year motivation boosting strategies and...
Hello and welcome to Episode 169 of the People Powered Business Podcast.
This week we have a brief but important technical update for you after the Fair Work Commission announced its decision around the National Minimum Wage increase effective 1 July.
This year has seen the most significant increase in the history of the Fair Work Act with a 5.75% wage increase being applied to the National Minimum Wage and all Modern Award Minimum Wages effective 1 July 2023.
In addition to the wages increasing, all of the allowances in the Awards will also increase, so you need to keep a close eye on that.
If you pay staff Award rates, or if you have IFA’s or AWA’s in place, this is time to review.
If you’d like to connect with other businesses who are also juggling the challenges of teams, I’d love you to join us inside our free Facebook Group, HR Support for Australian Businesses, so I can learn more about what’s working for you and any challenges you might be...
Hello and welcome to Episode 168 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
In today's episode we are talking about revisiting one of the most popular episodes - tackling tough talks with your team.
You know the conversations I mean, the one where you get a sick feeling in the pit of your stomach, the ones which give you heart palpitations at the thought of having them, that keep you up at night.
Whether it’s a performance management issue, a change in the business, a termination or anything else that is going to be a tough conversation with our team, we’ve all been in a situation where we have to have them, and maybe even try and avoid them!
However, avoiding those conversations in bad for business in many ways, which we unpack in this episode, and I also share with you a simple framework to follow next time you need to tackle a tough conversation with a team member.
As promised, you can get your free guide to tackling tough conversations here -...
Hello and welcome to Episode 167 of the People Powered Business Podcast.
Today I’m covering off the key compliance changes that every business needs to be across right now – given the absolute avalanche of changes that we are seeing, it feels ‘unprecedented’.
Starting with the introduction of the ‘Secure Jobs Better Pay Act’ which as the name suggests, is designed to make jobs more secure for workers, and put upwards pressure on wages across the board.
The changes here include pay secrecy clauses becoming banned in employment contracts, significant changes to the enterprise bargaining landscape, including the massive expansion of multi enterprise bargaining. Through to the broadening of flexible work requests and limitations on denying them and the new l imitations on fixed term contracts coming into place by December.
Then we cover the changes to and introduction of Family and Domestic Violence Leave.
And finally the Respect@Work Act which sees a...
Hello and welcome to Episode 166 of the People Powered Business Podcast.
Often here on the podcast I chat about themes or topics that keep showing up –whether with my private coaching clients in the Power BOSS Program, with our People Powered HR members, my consulting clients, in conversations I am having with leaders and experts I am speaking to and generally in the content that seems to randomly show up in my social media feeds - and this weeks no different.
I wanted to start today’s episode with a quote from Sheryl Sandberg “we cannot change what we are not aware of, and once we are aware, we cannot help but change”.
I think this sums up perfectly the discussion of today, we need to create self awareness in our leadership skills, because without awareness nothing can change, and with awareness change and development is inevitable.
So in this episode we look at how aware you are of your current leadership skills, strengths and blind spots.
We’ll then...
Hello and welcome to Episode 165 of the People Powered Business Podcast.
In today's episode we are looking at just one of the latest Industrial Relations updates – this one relates to our ability as employers to direct employees to take annual leave over a close down period – the most common of which for most businesses is over the Christmas and New Year period.
Let’s be honest, there is an absolute avalanche of changes rolling through from the Fair Work Commission, the Federal Government and a range of other legislative bodies, and many of the changes are getting a decent amount of media coverage. So changes like this one, which has much less public interest attached to it, can slide by without anyone realising.
Closing down our businesses over the Christmas and New Year has been common place in many, if not most, industries in Australia for decades. Sometimes this has been fuelled by industry norms, like the Building and Construction Industry where suppliers tend...
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