The Latest from Kristy-Lee

Building Trust With Your Teams - Part 3

podcast Jan 19, 2022
People Powered Business
Building Trust With Your Teams - Part 3
Hello and welcome to Episode 97 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
Today we’re winding up our 3 part series all about building trust with and in our teams.
Trust is such a foundation to a successful, cohesive and productive team and ultimately to a successful business. In fact Simon Sinek says “a team is not a group of people who work together, a team is a group of people who trust each other”. So without trust, you actually don’t have a team.
but defining trust, being able to identify it, and then working out how to nurture and build it, that’s a little harder to do. So whilst some leaders are innately good at it others need to work a little harder.
In today’s episode I shared with you that there are many framework and blueprints for creating and building trust with our teams, but the one that I am going to share with you on the podcast is David Horsager’s 8 Pillars of Trust.
In today’s episode...
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Building Trust With Your Teams - Part 2

podcast Jan 12, 2022
People Powered Business
Building Trust With Your Teams - Part 2
Hello and welcome to Episode 96 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
Today we’re continuing our 3 part series all about building trust with and in our teams.
Trust is such a foundation to a successful, cohesive and productive team and ultimately to a successful business. In fact Simon Sinek says “a team is not a group of people who work together, a team is a group of people who trust each other”. So without trust, you actually don’t have a team.
But defining trust, being able to identify it, and then working out how to nurture and build it, that’s a little harder to do. So whilst some leaders are innately good at it others need to work a little harder.
In today’s episode we took a deeper look at 3 more of the 8 Pillars of Trust as designed by David Horsager’s. After last week kicking off with 2 of what I think are the most important pillars clarity and consistency, today we looked at commitment, competency and...
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Building Trust With Your Teams - Part 1

podcast Jan 05, 2022
People Powered Business
Building Trust With Your Teams - Part 1
Hello and welcome to Episode 95 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
Today we’re kicking off a 3 part series all about building trust with and in our teams.
Trust is such a foundation to a successful, cohesive and productive team and ultimately to a successful business. In fact Simon Sinek says “a team is not a group of people who work together, a team is a group of people who trust each other”. So without trust, you actually don’t have a team.
But defining trust, being able to identify it, and then working out how to nurture and build it, that’s a little harder to do. So whilst some leaders are innately good at it others need to work a little harder.
In today’s episode I shared with you that there are many framework and blueprints for creating and building trust with our teams, but the one that I am going to share with you on the podcast is David...
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Would You Hire Someone Without a Resume?

podcast Dec 29, 2021
People Powered Business
Would You Hire Someone Without a Resume?
Hello and welcome to Episode 94 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
Today we’re asking whether it’s time to re think how we hire. Would you hire someone without seeing a resume, running any background checks, or even conducting formal interviews?
The companies adopting open hiring practices are doing exactly that, and they’re experiencing great success. So as we head into a time where we are expecting applicants to be in short supply, is it time to re think howe we hire?
An Invitation:
If you’d like to connect with other businesses who are also juggling the challenges of teams, I’d love you to join us inside our free Facebook Group, HR Support for Australian Businesses, so I can learn more about what’s working for you and any challenges you might be having.
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Employment Agreements, Contracts and Engagement Letters

podcast Dec 22, 2021
People Powered Business
Employment Agreements, Contracts and Engagement Letters
Hello and welcome to Episode 93 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
Today we’re talking Employment Agreements/ Employment Contracts / Letters of Engagement – whatever you call them, they are the same thing. The all important document that sets out the terms and conditions of the employment relationship.
Why? Well simple, it’s the end of the year and as I reflect on the #1 thing businesses have asked for support in, or have had questions about, or had dramas because of a lack of – it all comes back to the employment agreement.
It dawned on me that despite spending large chunks of my consulting time on this, I’d never covered it in a podcast episode, so today is the day!
In this episode we discuss why employment agreements and contracts are so important, and why you absolutely want to have them in place, but we also unpacked what should be included, and what you want to leave out.
As promised in this episode I have...
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Consultation is King in Mandating Vaccination

podcast Dec 15, 2021
People Powered Business
Consultation is King in Mandating Vaccination
Hello and welcome to Episode 92 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
Today we’re unpacking a recent decision from The Fair Work Commission about BHP’s vaccination mandate requirements and what this decision tells us about the FWC’s stance on vaccination.
Effectively we need to ensue the direction is lawful and reasonable under the circumstances and we need to genuinely consult with our teams before introducing a vaccine mandate.
At the same time we’re seeing an increase in vaccine status related unfair dismissal claims hit the commission, and it will be interesting to learn the outcomes of these in due course.
An Invitation:
If you’d like to connect with other businesses who are also juggling the challenges of teams, I’d love you to join us inside our free Facebook Group, HR Support for Australian Businesses, so I can learn more about what’s working for you and any challenges you might be having.
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Navigating the Return to Office Transition

podcast Dec 08, 2021
People Powered Business
Navigating the Return to Office Transition
Hello and welcome to Episode 91 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
Today we’re starting to tackle the topic of returning to workplaces post lockdowns and restrictions.
The reality I am hearing from a lot of business owners is that they are expecting their teams to get back to the office full time, and they are getting resistance or even resignations. Or that they are struggling with how to make this work for everyone.
In this episode I shared 3 themes that I think will frame what the return to work looks like.
  • Employees will get to call more of the shots;
  • There will be a period of re adjustment;
  • It’s time to re set the boundaries.
There is no right or wrong way to make this work, but expecting employees to simply backflip is certainly not the answer.
An Invitation:
If you’d like to connect with other businesses who are also juggling the challenges of teams, I’d love you to join us inside our free...
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Surviving The Second Most Unusual Silly Season Ever

podcast Dec 01, 2021
People Powered Business
Surviving The Second Most Unusual Silly Season Ever
Hello and welcome to Episode 90 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
This time last year we were talking about what would be the most unusual silly season yet! After a year like no other in 2020, we all thought we were celebrating Christmas and coming back into 2021 with things going ‘back to normal’.
Well that didn’t quite happen, did it?
So in this weeks episode we are taking about surviving the second most unusual silly season yet, and I share some insights into how this might play out in your business this year.
An Invitation:
If you’d like to connect with other businesses who are also juggling the challenges of teams, I’d love you to join us inside our free Facebook Group, HR Support for Australian Businesses, so I can learn more about what’s working for you and any challenges you might be having.
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3 things to do right now to set the team up for success in 2022

podcast Nov 24, 2021
People Powered Business
3 things to do right now to set the team up for success in 2022
Hello and welcome to Episode 89 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
Today I am sharing with you 3 things you could, and should, be doing this side of Christmas to set your team up for success in 2022.
A couple of episodes ago, in Episode 87, we spoke about The Great Resignation, what it is, why we need to pay attention to it and the impact it will have on our workplaces in the next 12 months.
Doing these 3 things now, before your Christmas break, will undoubtedly reduce the potential fall out with your team of the great resignation, as well as ensure everyone returns from the Christmas break motivates, excited and ready to go for 2022.
An Invitation:
If you’d like to connect with other businesses who are also juggling the challenges of teams, I’d love you to join us inside our free Facebook Group, HR Support for Australian Businesses, so I can learn more about what’s working for you and any challenges you might be having.
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Dealing with Difficult People at Work

podcast Nov 17, 2021
People Powered Business
Dealing with Difficult People at Work

 Hello and welcome to Episode 88 of the People Powered Business Podcast!

Today we not only have a special guest, but our first ever returning guest. Juliet Robinson from Big Goals joins us today to discuss dealing with difficult people at work.
I also shared in today’s episode that this conversation was actually recorded as part of a brand new podcast that Juliet and I are co hosting.
Grow Your Influence is a fortnightly podcast where we have relaxed and informative leadership conversations for business owners and managers.
Whether you own a business and have a team, or leadership is part of your role, welcome, you’re exactly where you need to be.
Our promise at Grow Your Influence is that there will be no corporate jargon, no text book ideologies, just real life experience unpacked in a relaxed way to help you be your best boss, and lead your team with confidence, clarity and control.
Subscribe to Grow Your Influence...
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